Thursday, June 18, 2009

Networking Opportunities

An exclusive opportunity to change lives through networking

We will change our tomorrows by changing the youths today!

Astelley’s Pen Empire (APE) is much more than a brand, it rather represents the ideal that one can make a difference. Moreover, our guiding motto and mantra is: changing tomorrow today by becoming the solution. With that said, we have joined a number of organizations that desire to facilitate similar changes. However, our distinction originates from our beliefs and focus. Since it is our belief that the youths are our inevitable future, it therefore stands to reason that by influencing change in them at the level of their thinking, which will then affect every other area of their lives; we are actually preparing ourselves for a better future. It is true that the size of our success is determined by the size of our belief, furthermore, it is our belief that determines our decisions and it is a known fact that the decisions we make or don’t make directly affect the outcome of our lives.

It is in keeping with our belief that we at APE have instituted a number of youth initiatives that is specifically geared at transforming the lives of the youth in South Africa and around the world. One in particular is called Kingdom Ambassadors. This will take the form of a TV show on Walking On Water television network and you can find out more about wowtv at In addition to that we have an internet interface hosted on facebook, where topics are posted in the group to be discussed. The though behind this initiative is to have an interactive discussions that deals and addresses pressing and life changing issues affecting the lives and general wellbeing of young people everywhere.

We also believe firmly that the institution of the family is the cornerstone of any society and that its various functions are often absent in cases of youth delinquencies. Therefore, as a result we at APE are driven to provide as the backbone of our operations these basic yet fundamental functions. These we have summarized and presented in the vowels (A.E.I.O.U.)

A-acceptance and affirmation

E-empowerment and encouragement

I-identity and independence

O-ownership and opportunities

U-uniqueness and unity

In conclusion, the C.E.O. of APE, Mr. Astell Kirk Collins, is also a published author and an extraordinarily talented poet whose ingenious approach to life transformation and establishing the road map to self discovery has lead him to identify an exclusive form of poetry called Gospoetry. Already, it has changed lives as it challenges its readers by inspiration to desire to be the greatness they were created to be. For more info visit us at and feel free to contact us for opportunities of sponsorship, and partnerships. Your time to act is now, together we will change our future.

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