Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mastering your mind Maximizing your time

This book is pragmatically inclined and not intended to be philosophically incisive. Besides, it’s projected to be a practical guide to self discovery and not a discourse on theories. Mastering your mind-Maximizing your time is intended for men and women with the urgency to discover their purpose for being. It will explain the phenomenon that occurs whenever we achieve that which our mind can conceive and thus believe. The power of your mind is greater than poverty, greater than ignorance, and much greater than the challenges that surround you. It is true that whatsoever you focus upon, will be systematically attracted into your life. The truth is that the Lord has predestined us and has made everything that we would ever need. So the discovery of our destiny is more of an awakening that allows us to know what we have access to and also what we have the power to achieve. (Psalms 37:4) Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he will give thee the desire of thine heart

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