Thursday, June 18, 2009

Confessions of Holy Matrimony

Persuasions of the night

As speech disappeared into the silence of my imaginations

The night darkened and deepens my every sensation

The meddling darkness moved, beckoning interference

As my ambition silently denied its resistance

Slowly, gently the night reveals your splendor

As our love for each other grew stronger

You closed your eyes and surrendered to your dreams

Your mind was unburden from thoughts you knew

And secretly the music of love possessed you

This unending night was rendered blind

As your fantasies unwind

What sweet intoxication

For I was freed from any condemnation

The love I felt inside I now had the right to defend

And your relinquished ideas of sin permitted your desires to descend

Your wishes completely exposed that were once buried

For this is the bliss for those that are married

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