Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kingdom Ambassadors Counsel

Kingdom Ambassadors Counsel

I am, you are, we are all a pen in the hands of a loving God who is writing the world a love letter. Remember that we are the finite manifestation of an infinite supreme consciousness on the journey of discovery for our divine design

Mission Statement

To communicate the relevance of the body of Christ by demonstrating God’s love through our acts of giving and expressions of kindness.


The counsel would be empowered to alleviate the effects of poverty in every aspect of life in all communities without prejudice or partiality.


The counsel aspires to:

  • Create a food and clothing bank
  • Build and award homes for the dispossessed
  • Provide mentorship
  • Take practical care of widows, orphans and the elderly
  • To give the necessary assistance where ever and to whom ever

Subdivisions within the counsel

  • Abraham’s Seed Group(ASG):

This is an exclusive club, where they will be various levels of memberships that will commit to supporting substantial projects that enhances the efficiency of the counsel. These will include building structures for holding large amounts of people for conferences or Christian events, housing projects etc, where substantial amounts of money will be donated or pledged monthly.

In addition to their financial contributions, they will also be responsible for contributions to the food and clothing bank. This is simply a place where we will house a variety of clothing and food items at a strategic location where access will be given to members of the counsel for rendering assistance immediately without delay or having to go through various systems on particular working days. This ensures help is rendered upon demand.

  • Joseph’s Mentoring Group(JMG):

This group recruits and equips youths and young adults who possess the desire to affect change in the community and nation, one child at a time. After effective evaluation, they will then assign the individuals with a child who they will be responsible for providing guidance and mentorship. A monthly assessment will be conducted to evaluate effectiveness of program.

  • Agents of Change Group(ACG):

These will be persons of all ages and of differing backgrounds, who are positively impacting the lives of the people around them. They will be working people who can financially contribute to a child’s wellbeing, either by subsidizing schools fees or even buying supplies for that child.

  • Jerusalem Housing Group(JHG):

This group deals with the reduction and eventual eradication of homelessness. They will also ensure that the living conditions are improved for those already with a home.

  • Jehovah Provider Group(JPG):

This group deals specifically with widows, orphans and the elderly. Their responsibilities include providing a monthly hamper for all in their care.

A special service for the elderly includes:

1. They will also be in place a pension collection service so that the elderly don’t have to worry about this collection.

2. A public transportation system for their connivances especially pensioners.

3. Grocery delivery

4. Medical care subsidies

5. A daily lunch arrangement (if necessary)

6. A supply of pampers, detergents, and other needs as necessary

They will also be the establishment of a senior citizen home that will take better care of them in cases where there is no responsible family. All these services will be of no charge to the recipients.

In summery, the kingdom Ambassadors Counsel and its various groups represent the ideal that we can affect change and together we will demonstrate the love of God to the nations. Moreover, it represents its parent company’s motto which is: Changing tomorrow today by becoming the solution, in addition to this they will also be taking care of the elderly. So it’s not only the future that is taken care of but as well as our past and present; in all spheres of life. It is our responsibility and duty as we pay our dues to humanity.

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