Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Tribute to Nelson Mandela

The Age of grace and timeless wisdom

Have you ever observed a lion bound?
Or witnessed the ants freely running around
Did you ever stop to ponder your destiny?

Journeying beyond your daily responsibility

What is the purpose of tomorrow?

If there is no comfort in times of sorrow

Could you clarify the functionality of masculinity?

And explain the multiplicity of femininity

Nelson Mandela, you have given us a proud legacy

Thus to future generations you are legendary

You have though us your people to forgive

And have shown us that only in love can we live

Your life displayed the fundamentals of greatness

And uncovered the power of selflessness

We thank you for giving us back our home

A paradise where all of mankind has made their own

You have suffered inconceivable cruelty

To ensure the preservation of our humanity

As a people, our coming together in celebration

Demonstrates to you our sincere love and appreciation

We recognize the relevance and power of spirituality

While experiencing the beauty of our freedom in unity

Your life has become the essence of the human story

One of love and resolve, equality and destiny

You are a hero internationally and not only in Africa

So the world pauses to say happy birthday, Nelson Mandela

Written by Astell Collins

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Astelley's Pen Empire (APE) is more than a brand. It represents an ideal that one can make a difference. Furthermore, our existence is the response to a need for leadership among the youths. We at APE realize that leadership is a function more than it is a position.

This function is to enable one to embark on the journey of self discovery. It is upon this journey that it becomes clear that our destiny is not a choice we make but rather the realization of our purpose. Hence, our purpose is to change tomorrow today by becoming the solution.

We will transform lives and change the landscape of the literary world by introducing Gospoetry. This is the name given to gospel poems. Mr. Astell Kirk Collins decided to name his poems Gospoetry for they represent the fundamentals and core principles of the gospel. APE will utilize various items as a medium for this revolutionary form of poetry.

Our product line includes post cards, tea-cups and matching plates, CDs, DVDs, decorative ostrich eggs and the introduction of a clothing line named APE. It is our expressed believe that by providing the youths with an alternative, will at the very least cause them to contemplate on the possible reason for their existence.

Great is your mercy

A tribute to Ms. Doreen Waldron

A tribute to my dear Granny Doreen

Like the birthing of a baby so is death in the eyes of the divine. It is simply a point of transition and not termination. For the Bible states that to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord, and blessed are the saints who die in Christ. My beloved granny Doreen was nothing short of a saint, furthermore, she was my angel who loved me in spite of me. I have conceded and embraced the transformation of my granny-my foundation into my granny-my inspiration. Moreover, with unimaginable grief and inconceivable pain, I submit to the process of life itself. In the spirit realm my spirit bears witness that my granny Doreen who has become synonymous with peace and love is in the presence of love.

Despite the fact that her endless journey has just begun, she will forever remain my precious one. I know for sure that her heart was pure, but now with her soul freed, she has started to live the story untold. Although the moon continues to rise as the sun sets, the grace that possessed her I could never forget. She maybe only a breath away, but her love will live on night and day. What a delight that granny has escaped this world, on the softest cloud drifting upwards, pulled by heavens love. She was escorted by the whitest doves and has entered into a world governed by love. So it is beyond the confines of time, where there is no more pain, and sorrows could never touch her again. Her gentle joy, her contentment and utter purity of love was far too beautiful for this world.

The majestic memory of my beloved granny is distinctively divine. She is now in the presence of angels as a citizen of heaven. I know you are in a better world asking that we smile for you. Far beyond our imagings she is at peace-unspeakable. You are a queen, regal, noble, gracious, polite, respectful and civil. Words with its limitations could never adequately express what my granny means to me. As for my brother and I, she was everything.

A Tribute to Mrs. Marjorie Collins

Kingdom Ambassadors Counsel

Kingdom Ambassadors Counsel

I am, you are, we are all a pen in the hands of a loving God who is writing the world a love letter. Remember that we are the finite manifestation of an infinite supreme consciousness on the journey of discovery for our divine design

Mission Statement

To communicate the relevance of the body of Christ by demonstrating God’s love through our acts of giving and expressions of kindness.


The counsel would be empowered to alleviate the effects of poverty in every aspect of life in all communities without prejudice or partiality.


The counsel aspires to:

  • Create a food and clothing bank
  • Build and award homes for the dispossessed
  • Provide mentorship
  • Take practical care of widows, orphans and the elderly
  • To give the necessary assistance where ever and to whom ever

Subdivisions within the counsel

  • Abraham’s Seed Group(ASG):

This is an exclusive club, where they will be various levels of memberships that will commit to supporting substantial projects that enhances the efficiency of the counsel. These will include building structures for holding large amounts of people for conferences or Christian events, housing projects etc, where substantial amounts of money will be donated or pledged monthly.

In addition to their financial contributions, they will also be responsible for contributions to the food and clothing bank. This is simply a place where we will house a variety of clothing and food items at a strategic location where access will be given to members of the counsel for rendering assistance immediately without delay or having to go through various systems on particular working days. This ensures help is rendered upon demand.

  • Joseph’s Mentoring Group(JMG):

This group recruits and equips youths and young adults who possess the desire to affect change in the community and nation, one child at a time. After effective evaluation, they will then assign the individuals with a child who they will be responsible for providing guidance and mentorship. A monthly assessment will be conducted to evaluate effectiveness of program.

  • Agents of Change Group(ACG):

These will be persons of all ages and of differing backgrounds, who are positively impacting the lives of the people around them. They will be working people who can financially contribute to a child’s wellbeing, either by subsidizing schools fees or even buying supplies for that child.

  • Jerusalem Housing Group(JHG):

This group deals with the reduction and eventual eradication of homelessness. They will also ensure that the living conditions are improved for those already with a home.

  • Jehovah Provider Group(JPG):

This group deals specifically with widows, orphans and the elderly. Their responsibilities include providing a monthly hamper for all in their care.

A special service for the elderly includes:

1. They will also be in place a pension collection service so that the elderly don’t have to worry about this collection.

2. A public transportation system for their connivances especially pensioners.

3. Grocery delivery

4. Medical care subsidies

5. A daily lunch arrangement (if necessary)

6. A supply of pampers, detergents, and other needs as necessary

They will also be the establishment of a senior citizen home that will take better care of them in cases where there is no responsible family. All these services will be of no charge to the recipients.

In summery, the kingdom Ambassadors Counsel and its various groups represent the ideal that we can affect change and together we will demonstrate the love of God to the nations. Moreover, it represents its parent company’s motto which is: Changing tomorrow today by becoming the solution, in addition to this they will also be taking care of the elderly. So it’s not only the future that is taken care of but as well as our past and present; in all spheres of life. It is our responsibility and duty as we pay our dues to humanity.

In the Silence of my mind

Didn't I

Networking Opportunities

An exclusive opportunity to change lives through networking

We will change our tomorrows by changing the youths today!

Astelley’s Pen Empire (APE) is much more than a brand, it rather represents the ideal that one can make a difference. Moreover, our guiding motto and mantra is: changing tomorrow today by becoming the solution. With that said, we have joined a number of organizations that desire to facilitate similar changes. However, our distinction originates from our beliefs and focus. Since it is our belief that the youths are our inevitable future, it therefore stands to reason that by influencing change in them at the level of their thinking, which will then affect every other area of their lives; we are actually preparing ourselves for a better future. It is true that the size of our success is determined by the size of our belief, furthermore, it is our belief that determines our decisions and it is a known fact that the decisions we make or don’t make directly affect the outcome of our lives.

It is in keeping with our belief that we at APE have instituted a number of youth initiatives that is specifically geared at transforming the lives of the youth in South Africa and around the world. One in particular is called Kingdom Ambassadors. This will take the form of a TV show on Walking On Water television network and you can find out more about wowtv at www.wowtv.co.za. In addition to that we have an internet interface hosted on facebook, where topics are posted in the group to be discussed. The though behind this initiative is to have an interactive discussions that deals and addresses pressing and life changing issues affecting the lives and general wellbeing of young people everywhere.

We also believe firmly that the institution of the family is the cornerstone of any society and that its various functions are often absent in cases of youth delinquencies. Therefore, as a result we at APE are driven to provide as the backbone of our operations these basic yet fundamental functions. These we have summarized and presented in the vowels (A.E.I.O.U.)

A-acceptance and affirmation

E-empowerment and encouragement

I-identity and independence

O-ownership and opportunities

U-uniqueness and unity

In conclusion, the C.E.O. of APE, Mr. Astell Kirk Collins, is also a published author and an extraordinarily talented poet whose ingenious approach to life transformation and establishing the road map to self discovery has lead him to identify an exclusive form of poetry called Gospoetry. Already, it has changed lives as it challenges its readers by inspiration to desire to be the greatness they were created to be. For more info visit us at www.astelleypenempire.com and feel free to contact us for opportunities of sponsorship, and partnerships. Your time to act is now, together we will change our future.

Confessions of Holy Matrimony

Persuasions of the night

As speech disappeared into the silence of my imaginations

The night darkened and deepens my every sensation

The meddling darkness moved, beckoning interference

As my ambition silently denied its resistance

Slowly, gently the night reveals your splendor

As our love for each other grew stronger

You closed your eyes and surrendered to your dreams

Your mind was unburden from thoughts you knew

And secretly the music of love possessed you

This unending night was rendered blind

As your fantasies unwind

What sweet intoxication

For I was freed from any condemnation

The love I felt inside I now had the right to defend

And your relinquished ideas of sin permitted your desires to descend

Your wishes completely exposed that were once buried

For this is the bliss for those that are married

A letter to my humanity

This book is a compilation of my four books under the Kingdom Ambassadors series. They are a record of my moments of inspiration and spiritual indulgences.

The story of humanity

Through our eyes is the door

Not only to our hearts but also to our soul

We were created to be perfect by nature

But were born in sin and do not know our future

Oh that we may know Him

Through His heart and not by the colour of His skin

His love unfolds the soul and develops the mind

Yet to our brothers and sisters we are unkind

We fear that we are inadequate
Although at the level of though we can cause the earth to quake
We are covered by His marvelous light

So darkness has no place in us, thus we must do right
We ask ourselves why me?
Afraid to become and walk out our destiny
We are to manifest the nature of God
And let evil doings be what is odd

Fitting in with the group doesn’t serve humanity
Nor does dimming our glory eradicates people’s insecurity
We are all meant to stand out

And regardless of trials, never to doubt
Knowing that the devil is terrified

Of us who are sanctified

We are thus liberated from fear

And equipped to wipe away humanity’s tears

Mastering your mind Maximizing your time

This book is pragmatically inclined and not intended to be philosophically incisive. Besides, it’s projected to be a practical guide to self discovery and not a discourse on theories. Mastering your mind-Maximizing your time is intended for men and women with the urgency to discover their purpose for being. It will explain the phenomenon that occurs whenever we achieve that which our mind can conceive and thus believe. The power of your mind is greater than poverty, greater than ignorance, and much greater than the challenges that surround you. It is true that whatsoever you focus upon, will be systematically attracted into your life. The truth is that the Lord has predestined us and has made everything that we would ever need. So the discovery of our destiny is more of an awakening that allows us to know what we have access to and also what we have the power to achieve. (Psalms 37:4) Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he will give thee the desire of thine heart

Memoirs of love

I Love you

When I tell you I love you, I am saying that I care

And that I have found a friend that is wonderful and rare

When I tell you I love you, it is a meaning so profound

For in you my fate is discovered and my soul finally found

When I tell you I love you it actually conveys

How much I admire you in a variety of ways

When I tell you I love you, I am trying to express

That I will give you nothing but my very best

When I tell you I love you, I am actually thanking you

For being who you are and for making my life brand new

When I tell you that I love you

I am trying to tell you that you are a special lady

Possessed with elegance, charm and divinity

Remembering Home

Just because you are

Just because you are my light

There is no need for fright

Just because you are my strength

Even in weakness the rod of troubles are bent

Just because you died for me

Salvation is mine for all eternity

Just because you came down from heaven

I can exercise the faith found in Luke 7:7

Just because you are love

I experience a grace never before spoken of

Just because you are

I am destined to go inconceivably far

The Voice within His Voice

God is our peace

I sought God and found myself

For I am in Him as He is in me

This is neither religion nor theology

But the essence of spirituality

Humanity has lost its way

But He remains the potter as we are the clay

Life has deceived us into making a living

When love is all about giving

Time though infinite

Misrepresents the purpose of the fight

We battle for the greater good that is in mankind

Not for the place of power to treat each other unkind

There is a presence that envelops us with peace

And the same accepts us in spite of that unholy piece

We are lost but loved

We are disconnected yet cared for

He shouted and has whispered

Call on me whenever you feel separated

From the peace that I am

Kingdom Ambassadors

Our motto is becoming the change you seek. Kingdom Ambassadors is intended to challenge the youths by inspiration as we guide them on their journey of self discovery. We are passionate about true transformation, ultimately developing a people who know themselves and their purpose. Moreover, producing kingdom minded citizens that possess the very culture and nature of God, that are vision filled and represents the epitome of character, integrity and spirituality. We offer youths an opportunity to discover and enhance their TAG (talents, abilities & gifts)

(Corinthians 5:20)

Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God!”

Books by Astell Collins

Guyanese Poet, Astell Kirk Collins Creates History

Just when the world became darkened with despair, shining brilliantly is the light of hope, courage and possibility. His revolutionary poems called GosPoetry have
already transformed lives as he becomes his company’s message, i.e. “Changing tomorrow today by becoming the solution”. South Africa, Johannesburg, May 18, 2009---Astell Kirk Collins has launched six of his books in e-book format, which are available exclusively on his website. “Becoming the change you seek” is his life’s motto as well as his message. His passion is teaching the
youths their significance as well as how to discover their purpose. Mr. Collins has a mission to challenge humanity by inspiration, enabling them to express their collective
and individual divinity. His poems facilitate the discovery of purpose, the rediscovery of God’s love, and also the
re-establishment of a relationship with God. Recently, he can boast of his GosPoetry preventing someone from committing suicide. This six books release precedes a 10 city tour to the United States of America for the month of October, 2009. For additional information on Mr. Astell Kirk Collins, his books and his company visit
Mr. Collins is not only an author, a poet and a motivational speaker; he is also the C.E.O.
of Astelley’s Pen Empire (APE). APE is much more than a brand, it rather represents the
ideal that one can make a difference. Since he believes that the youths are our inevitable
future, he focused on influencing a change in their thinking, which will affect every other
area of their lives. Moreover, APE has instituted a number of initiatives that is
specifically geared at transforming lives world wide; one in particular is called Kingdom

Astell Kirk Collins
Astelley’s Pen Empire (APE)
(+27) 11 463 2636
(+27) 76 143 0042