Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Tribute to Nelson Mandela

The Age of grace and timeless wisdom

Have you ever observed a lion bound?
Or witnessed the ants freely running around
Did you ever stop to ponder your destiny?

Journeying beyond your daily responsibility

What is the purpose of tomorrow?

If there is no comfort in times of sorrow

Could you clarify the functionality of masculinity?

And explain the multiplicity of femininity

Nelson Mandela, you have given us a proud legacy

Thus to future generations you are legendary

You have though us your people to forgive

And have shown us that only in love can we live

Your life displayed the fundamentals of greatness

And uncovered the power of selflessness

We thank you for giving us back our home

A paradise where all of mankind has made their own

You have suffered inconceivable cruelty

To ensure the preservation of our humanity

As a people, our coming together in celebration

Demonstrates to you our sincere love and appreciation

We recognize the relevance and power of spirituality

While experiencing the beauty of our freedom in unity

Your life has become the essence of the human story

One of love and resolve, equality and destiny

You are a hero internationally and not only in Africa

So the world pauses to say happy birthday, Nelson Mandela

Written by Astell Collins

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Astelley's Pen Empire (APE) is more than a brand. It represents an ideal that one can make a difference. Furthermore, our existence is the response to a need for leadership among the youths. We at APE realize that leadership is a function more than it is a position.

This function is to enable one to embark on the journey of self discovery. It is upon this journey that it becomes clear that our destiny is not a choice we make but rather the realization of our purpose. Hence, our purpose is to change tomorrow today by becoming the solution.

We will transform lives and change the landscape of the literary world by introducing Gospoetry. This is the name given to gospel poems. Mr. Astell Kirk Collins decided to name his poems Gospoetry for they represent the fundamentals and core principles of the gospel. APE will utilize various items as a medium for this revolutionary form of poetry.

Our product line includes post cards, tea-cups and matching plates, CDs, DVDs, decorative ostrich eggs and the introduction of a clothing line named APE. It is our expressed believe that by providing the youths with an alternative, will at the very least cause them to contemplate on the possible reason for their existence.

Great is your mercy

A tribute to Ms. Doreen Waldron

A tribute to my dear Granny Doreen

Like the birthing of a baby so is death in the eyes of the divine. It is simply a point of transition and not termination. For the Bible states that to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord, and blessed are the saints who die in Christ. My beloved granny Doreen was nothing short of a saint, furthermore, she was my angel who loved me in spite of me. I have conceded and embraced the transformation of my granny-my foundation into my granny-my inspiration. Moreover, with unimaginable grief and inconceivable pain, I submit to the process of life itself. In the spirit realm my spirit bears witness that my granny Doreen who has become synonymous with peace and love is in the presence of love.

Despite the fact that her endless journey has just begun, she will forever remain my precious one. I know for sure that her heart was pure, but now with her soul freed, she has started to live the story untold. Although the moon continues to rise as the sun sets, the grace that possessed her I could never forget. She maybe only a breath away, but her love will live on night and day. What a delight that granny has escaped this world, on the softest cloud drifting upwards, pulled by heavens love. She was escorted by the whitest doves and has entered into a world governed by love. So it is beyond the confines of time, where there is no more pain, and sorrows could never touch her again. Her gentle joy, her contentment and utter purity of love was far too beautiful for this world.

The majestic memory of my beloved granny is distinctively divine. She is now in the presence of angels as a citizen of heaven. I know you are in a better world asking that we smile for you. Far beyond our imagings she is at peace-unspeakable. You are a queen, regal, noble, gracious, polite, respectful and civil. Words with its limitations could never adequately express what my granny means to me. As for my brother and I, she was everything.

A Tribute to Mrs. Marjorie Collins